Our Faith
Our Faith
Indeed, as St. Vincent de Lerins writes in his famous work, Commonitorium, as Old Catholics we believe "that which has been believed everywhere, always and by all." Thus, we hold firm to the ancient, orthodox Christian faith that comes down to us from the Apostolic Age. We are Ancient, Catholic, Nicene, Episcopal and Liturgical! We are Old-Catholic!
Under the leadership of Archbishop Dr. Craig J. N. de Paulo, the Theological Commission of the Synod of Bishops of the Old Catholic Confederation is in the process of composing a compendium of Old Catholic belief, to be entitled, Our Faith: A Catechism for Old Catholics, that will be an excellent theological resource for the Churches, Dioceses and Parishes of the Old Catholic Confederation for the Order of Catechumens, adult formation and the continuing education of the clergy.
In order to outline the Christian orthodoxy of Old Catholics and to demonstrate the theological agreement of the Old Catholic Church in the United States (under the canonical authority of the Synod of Bishops of the Old Catholic Confederation) with the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht, the OCC Catechism is essentially derived from the documents of the Theologischen Kommission für den orthodox-altkatholischen Dialog including the agreed theological statements from the plenary meetings held between 1975-1987. The English translation of these statements was taken from Road to Unity: A collection of agreed statements of the joint Old Catholic - Orthodox Theological Commission, edited by the Nordisk-Katolske Kirke.
A draft of Our Faith: A Catechism for Old Catholics, is available for download as a PDF document. To open the document, put your cursor over the photo cover of the Catechism. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution of $10.00 via paypal whenever you download this document.
For a paperback version of Our Faith: A Catechism for Old Catholics, please order through the Cathedral Gift Shop.